Company Profile

Pittman Mine Service, LLC has officially been in the coal mine slope construction business since 2003 and unofficially since the 1980’s.  The slopes we have put in have varied from 8 to 16 degrees. Our process includes using a miner machine to cut through the rock with a continuous haulage belt, hauling the material out of the excavation to the surface.  Because of the process that we use, there is no drilling or shooting required.  This has many advantages, including increased advancement and time saving, which relates to a substantial decrease in labor costs.  These are savings that we are able to pass on to our customers.

Past constructed slopes include Riola, Vermilion Grove, Buckcreek, Redbird, Advent, Howesville, Carlisle, Lively Grove, and Viper West.  These slopes are located in Indiana, Kentucky, and Illinois.

Pittman Mine Service, LLC recently finished constructing the White Oak Mine #1 Portal and provided all designs, engineering and surveying services.  This project was completed under budget November 2013.  The mined portion was 21’x22’, and we encountered significant amounts of water at the Mt. Carmel Sandstone. We successfully mined through this 80’ layer safely.  The articles in “World Coal”, Feb 2013, Number 02, “To Grout or Not to Grout”and “AEG News” 52(2), June 2013, “Mitigating Inflow Due to Both Primary and Secondary Permeability in Mining” details the process that Pittman Mine Service, LLC underwent.

Pittman Mine Service, LLC also provides the following services in addition to slope construction:

·         Bottom Development for Coal Mines
·         Contract Mining
·         Construction Overcasts, Belt Drives
·         Equipment rental if available (Miner, Bolter, Shuttle Car, Scoop, & Other Mine Support Equipment)
·         Management Services
·         Slope Rehabilitation

We are very proud to be a small company so that we can keep our costs and overhead lower than some of our larger competitors.  This enables Pittman to stay ahead of schedule and lower the costs of the completed projects.

As a company and as individuals, we take great pride in contributing to the communities where we live and work. Pittman Mine Service, LLC has a core group of employees who travel job to job with us.  However, we also hire local individuals to fill other positions.  We always strive to use local vendors to funnel revenues back into the community whenever possible.

Our company does not take shortcuts on safety.   Our main goal is to provide safe access and quality work for all coal miners.  In fact, Pittman has successfully completed three slopes under budget with no lost-time accidents.  We do not base our success on awards or notoriety.  We consider success to be the safe and timely completion of our jobs.

Pittman Mine Service, LLC is positioned to be a profound leader in slope construction and development, in a safe, cost-effective, environmentally conscious and responsible manner.  This is attributed to many things, including our innovative methods of design and construction, our awareness for safety, but mostly our employees, who remain our best asset.

References include Alliance Energy, Prairie State Generating Company, LLC, White Oak Resources, LLC, Peabody Coal Company, Black Beauty Coal Company, and Arch Coal, Inc.


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