
Lively Grove Slope-Marissa, IL
In September 2008, Pittman Mine Service, LLC was contracted by Prairie State Generating Company, LLC to construct an 8 degree, two-compartment slope with concrete dividers in between.  This was an 1,800 feet long slope that took approximately one year to complete.

Lively Grove Bottom Development-Marissa, IL
Upon completion of the slope for Prairie State Generating Company, LLC, they contracted Pittman Mine Service, LLC to complete the bottom development.  This project took approximately one year to complete at 33,060 feet of advancement.

Viper Mine Slope-Williamsville, IL
In December 2009, Pittman Mine Service, LLC began construction of an 8 degree, 2,300 feet slope for ICG Illinois, LLC in Williamsville, IL.  This slope was completed in July 2011, approximately 1 ½ years after commencement.

Viper Mine Bottom Development-Williamsville, IL
Shortly after completion of the slope for ICG Illinois, LLC, Pittman Mine Service, LLC started the work on the Bottom Development of the Viper Mine in Williamsville, IL.  This took approximately two months to complete.

White Oak Mine #1 Portal-McLeansboro, IL
Pittman Mine Service, LLC recently finished constructing the White Oak Mine #1 Portal in McLeansboro, IL for White Oak Resources, LLC.  We provided all designs, engineering, and surveying services for this project.  This slope was approximately 3,800 feet long and 1,000 feet deep.  This was a two-year project that was completed under budget in November 2013.  This was a two-compartment, 16 degree slope with concrete divider in between.   The mined portion was 21’x22’, and we encountered significant amounts of water at the Mt. Carmel Sandstone.  We successfully mined through this 80’ layer safely.  You can read the article from the magazine “World Coal”, Feb 2013, Number 02, “To Grout or Not to Grout”.

Gateway North Mine Portal-Coulterville, IL
In January 2014, Pittman Mine Service, LLC was contracted by Peabody Gateway North Mining, LLC to construct a 2280′ long, 290′ deep, 8 degree underground slope at the Gateway North Mine location in Coulterville, IL.  This is a two-compartment slope with a concrete divider in between and half-curve arches.  Pittman is responsible for providing all design professional and construction services in order to complete this project by May 2015.  The project staff performs weekly audits with a focus on maintaining a very high level of safety awareness for the entire site, which is evident by our MSHA safety record that can be viewed by clicking on the link, and using Contractor ID #H139.  Pittman Mine Service, LLC finished the Gateway North Mine Portal Slope on February 24, 2015, ahead of schedule and well under budget.

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