
All employees of Pittman Mine Service, LLC are required to have appropriate mine safety course and slope and shaft construction experience.  The mine safety course is something that can be provided in house.  All foremen must have the typical first aid training.

We at Pittman Mine Service, LLC approach our work with a different mind-set than most of our competitors.  The safe, accident free completion of a job is the number one goal.  Fresh ideas on how to accomplish this, regardless of the objective to be overcome, set us apart.  We have an uncanny ability to theorize and develop new solutions to problems as they are encountered.

We are fortunate to have a highly knowledgeable and experienced management team and workforce.  Our core group of employees all have multiple years, and in many cases decades, of experience in the mining industry and mining construction.

A large number of our workforce has the state certifications needed to lead the workforce on a job site.  All of our employees obtain the proper time experience to become certified to work in whatever state work may take us.  We also have many federal specialty certified employees, which allow us to complete nearly all of our work and training in-house, without the use of outside subcontractors.

Pittman Mine Service, LLC has implemented a proactive safety culture.  The company utilizes daily site-wide safety audits conducted by safety personnel in order to eliminate potential hazards.  This allows for on the spot individual and group training in awareness of the findings with the employees.  This enables the employees to become more involved, and the end result is a company-wide mission to keep all on our job sites safe.

All mining and mining construction companies have a zero violation/citation goal in mind.  In today’s mining industry, zero is a lofty goal.  As stated above, a proactive safety culture, which includes the entire workforce, enables us to eliminate potential safety hazards.

From 2009 to the present, Pittman Mine Service, LLC’s safety record compared to our competitors is exemplarity and can be viewed on MSHA’s web site at by using our contract ID # H139 or clicking on the following link and entering the contractor ID in the appropriate box.  Pittman has achieved significant levels of safety as measured in its no lost time accidents rating.  You will notice that we have worked over 250,000 man hours with No Lost Time Accidents.  Our persistent efforts to improve on our safe work practices continues to pay off.

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