Raymond Pittman has over 35 years of mining, construction, and management experience gained with various companies, including Coal, Inc., Laswell Coal Company, Buck Creek Coal Company, Catlin Coal Company, Black Diamond Coal Company, After, Inc., and Sunrise Coal, LLC. Ray also has a strong construction background, having worked for McManan-O’Conner Construction Company, where he did bridge construction. Ray has worked his way up the ladder starting as Laborer and Foreman, Equipment Operator, and continuing up to a General Mine Manager. Currently, he is the sole owner of Pittman Mine Service, LLC. With a broad work history and many years of experience, Mr. Pittman’s abilities cover many facets of mining, construction, and management.
Ray has been involved in many projects including repairs of the surface work and wash plant at the Wabash Mine in Marion, Illinois. Following this project, Ray was contracted to help construct the slope in Sebree, Kentucky at the Advent Mine. During this time, he also accepted another opportunity at the Howesville Mine in Greene County, Indiana, installing a slope, as well as, bottom development for one unit in operation. Upon completion of Howesville in 2005, Ray was involved in a brand new operation in Sullivan County, Indiana. This project, Sunrise Coal Mine, was a 2 ½ year project involving a slope with bottom development for a two unit mine. He was also retained to serve as General Underground Mine Manager.
In 2003 Ray started Pittman Mine Service, LLC as a way to provide safe access and quality work for coal miners. Under Pittman, he has successfully completed three slopes safely, ahead of schedule, and under budget. These projects include Lively Grove Slope in Marissa, IL, Viper Mine Slope in Williamsville, IL, and White Oak Mine #1 Portal in McLeansboro, IL.
Ray holds many certifications in the states of Indiana and Illinois, including:
Indiana Certifications: Mine Foreman, Fire Boss, Shot Fire, Belt Examiner, Hoisting Engineer, and Slope and Shaft Construction.
Illinois Certifications: Mine Foreman and Slope and Shaft Construction.
Federal Certifications: Dust and Noise Certification, Electrical Underground and Surface, Medium and High Voltage, and Certified Safety Instructor.